(new)【懷璧獎延長收件至10/14截止 Application for Awards】本校「優秀年輕學者懷璧獎獎助計畫」受理申請,請於10月14日前檢附相關資料送達研發處學術發展組。NCHU Outstanding Young Scholar Jade Award- Award Application,Deadline October 14
刊登日期:2023 年 09 月 01 日.png)
Due to consecutive holidays for the typhoon and the National Day next Thursday,
the submission deadline for the "NCHU Outstanding Young Scholar Jade Award " has been extended to Monday, October 14 (originally October 7)
一、申請資格: (一)申請人須為本校專任教師,在研究上具優秀成果或有重大突破之論文發表者,且最近一學年授課時數應符合本校教師基本授課時數相關規定。 (二)申請人年齡條件:45歲(含)以下(即生日為民國68年8月1日以後出生);女性45歲前曾有生育事實者,每生育一胎得延長2歲,但應檢附相關證明文件。 (三)獲本獎助以一次為限。 |
1. Application Eligibility: (1) Applicants must be full-time faculty members of our school, with outstanding research achievements or significant breakthroughs in published papers. Additionally, in the most recent academic year, their teaching hours should meet the basic teaching hour requirements of our school. (2) Age requirement: Applicants must be 45 years old or younger (born on or after August 1, 1979); for female applicants who have given birth before the age of 45, the age limit can be extended by 2 years for each child, but relevant documentation must be provided. (3) The award can only be received once. |
二、獎助方式: 本獎助分「工程及數理科學」、「生命科學」、「人文及社會科學組」三組,獲獎者每人獲頒獎牌乙面及獎助金三十萬元。 | 2. Award Method: The award is divided into three categories: "Engineering and Mathematical Sciences," "Life Sciences," and "Humanities and Social Sciences." Each awardee will receive a plaque and a scholarship of 300,000 TWD. |
三、本年度欲申請者,請檢附申請資料1式3份(雙面印刷並簡易裝訂,請勿膠裝)及電子檔,經單位主管核章及教務處審查授課時數後於113年10月14日前送研發處學術發展組承辦人楊小姐( 校內分機 550 轉303) ,Email @nchu.edu.tw,俾利辦理後續審查事宜。 |
3. For applicants this year, please submit 3 copies of the application materials (double-sided printing, simply bound, no glue binding) along with an electronic version. After approval by the unit supervisor and verification of teaching hours by the Office of Academic Affairs, submit them to Ms. Yang of the Academic Development Division of the Office of Research and Development by October 14, 2024 (ext. 550 to 303). Email: liyingyang@nchu.edu.tw for further review and processing. |
四、檢附資料如下: (一)獎助申請表; (二)學經歷表 (可採國科會個人資料表C301格式); (三)五年內相關著作目錄 (可採國科會個人資料表 C302格式); (四)五年內代表作目錄及論文抽印本(或影印本); (五)五年內主要研究成果說明(至多四頁)。 |
4. The following documents should be attached: (1) Award application form; (2) Resume (can follow the NSTC Personal Data Form C301 format); (3) List of relevant publications within the past five years (can follow the NSTC Personal Data Form C302 format); (4) List of representative works and reprints (or photocopies) within the past five years; (5) Explanation of major research achievements within the past five years (up to four pages). |
五、五年內研究績效時間係指108年10月至113年10月。 | 5. The research performance period refers to October 2019 to October 2024. |
六、辦法及申請表請參閱本文附件。 | 6. Please refer to the attachments for the guidelines and application form. |
七、本校承辦人:研究發展處學術組楊小姐,校內分機550#303,電子信箱liyingyang@nchu.edu.tw | 7.Contact information: National Chung Hsing University the Division of Academic Development at the Office of Research and Development (Ms. Yang) E-mail:liyingyang@nchu.edu.tw |