【獎項申請Application for Awards】2025年第18屆台灣傑出女科學家獎申請,校內截止日2024年11月22日(五)下午5時前。Application for The 18th Taiwan Outstanding Women in Science Award, 2025. The internal deadline is Nov 22th (Friday) before 5:00 P.M, 2024.
刊登日期:2024 年 10 月 08 日財團法人吳健雄學術基金會 | Wu Chien-Shiung Education Foundation |
校內截止日: 敬請符合資格欲由學校推薦申請者,填寫校內推薦表(如附件)並完成校內推薦程序後,併同申請資料(電子檔)於2024年11月22日(五)下午5時前email (vmlab@nchu.edu.tw )至研發處學術組承辦人彙整。俟專簽簽請校長同意推薦後,辦理推薦函用印及於期限內(2024年11月30日(日))以email電郵申請作業。 |
Internal Deadline: Eligible candidates wishing to be nominated by the university are requested to complete the internal recommendation form (as attached) and, after completing the internal recommendation process, submit the application materials (electronic files) via email to the academic division staff at the Office of Research and Development (vmlab@nchu.edu.tw ) before 5:00 PM, Friday, November 22, 2024. After the recommendation is signed and approved by the president, the recommendation letter will be processed and the application will be submitted via email by the deadline (Sunday, November 30, 2024). |
本屆(2025)為公元單數年,上述各獎項得主,將從物質科學、數學與資訊科學領域的女性科學家中選出。 獎項類別有:「傑出獎」、「新秀獎」及「孟粹珠獎學金」。 |
As this year (2025) is an odd-numbered year, the award winners will be selected from women scientists in the fields of physical sciences, mathematics, and information sciences. The award categories include: "Outstanding Award," "Rising Star Award," and "Meng Tsuei Zhu Scholarship." |
申請資訊及申請表,請詳閱基金會網頁公告。 https://www.wcs.org.tw/news-12.php |
For detailed application information and forms, please refer to the foundation's website announcement. https://www.wcs.org.tw/news-12.php |